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Pet Care Tips

The veterinarians at our animal hospital serving the Rock Springs area share tips and advice here to help you keep your animal healthy and comfortable all throughout their life.

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Chronic Otitis in Dogs

Chronic Otitis in Dogs

Chronic otitis is a long-term ear infection that can affect any dog and cause itchy, painful, and smelly ears. Today, our Rock Springs vets will discuss chronic otitis in a dog's ear, the signs, and how it is treated.

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Signs of Pain in Dogs

Signs of Pain in Dogs

It can be concerning to see your dog suffering from pain or discomfort. In this post, our Rock Springs explain how dogs tend to handle this, how they show pain or discomfort, and how to tell if your dog is in pain and when they might require urgent care. 

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Signs of Pain in Cats

Signs of Pain in Cats

As pet owners, you must be aware of the subtle signs that your cat is in pain since cats are known for concealing their discomfort. Our vets in Rock Springs his sharing insights into the symptoms and indicators of pain in cats, along with tips on how you can assist your furry companion.

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Why is my dog pooping blood?

Why is my dog pooping blood?

Our Rock Springs vets understand that it can be alarming to see blood in your dog's poop. There are a number of reasons why there's blood in a dog's stool. Today, we share some of the causes and when to head to your vet's office.

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Bad Teeth in Horses

Bad Teeth in Horses

Horse dental care is a critical part of caring for your horse's overall health. In this post, out Rock Springs vets share some symptoms of teeth problems in horses and how you can properly care for your horse's teeth.

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The Best Cute Names for Sheep

The Best Cute Names for Sheep

Choosing the perfect name for your fluffy friend can be challenging, but have no fear. Today, our Rock Springs vets provide ewe (and ram) with some baa-rilliant suggestions. From famous sheep in history, to just plain silly, here are a few of our favorite sheep names. 

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Back Pain in Horses

Back Pain in Horses

Your horse works hard, but sometimes health conditions and external factors can lead to back issues that can greatly affect their quality of life. Here, our Rock Springs veterinarians discuss the causes of back pain and treatment for muscle soreness in horses.

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Neck Pain in Horses: Causes and Symptoms

Neck Pain in Horses: Causes and Symptoms

Neck pain in horses can be a common issue that affects their overall well-being and performance. Thus, it is important for you to be aware of the causes and symptoms so that it can be addressed promptly. Today, our Rock Springs vets will discuss some common symptoms of neck pain in horses and some treatment options that can help.

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CT Scans vs. PET Scans

CT Scans vs. PET Scans

To help you understand why your pet may need a CT scan or PET scan, our Rock Springs vets explain what PET/CT technology is used for and what you should expect when you bring your pet for diagnostic imaging. 

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What is Giardia in cats?

What is Giardia in cats?

Giardia is a parasite that can infect people, dogs, and cats, and lead to symptoms such as diarrhea and upset stomach. Today our Rock Springs vets share tips on how to tell if your cat may be infected with Giardia, and what you can do to help resolve symptoms and prevent family members and other pets from becoming infected.

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Looking for a vet in Rock Springs?

Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Rock Springs cats and dogs. Get in touch today to request an appointment for your pet.

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